The day started with the pics of the dorm building, and after I read a bit of the Analects, I decided to go for a walk around the university. We ended up at Chiang Kai Shek Memorial Hall (link opens in GoogleEarth), and the place was bustling. Some shutterclicks later...
...and we were off for breakfast and shopping at the markets. We visited the handicap market, at which handicapped individuals sold their handicrafts; the flower market, where plants from bonsai to orchids to jasmine were sold; and the jade market, with more handmade jewelry than you could shake your beading needle at. People kept getting spooked or embarassed by the camera, so I had to resort to sly, even underhanded methods: I turned the flash off and started snapping with the camera at belly-button level. Thusly the following images were born:
Later, we went to the electronics part of town (where I tasted pig blood rice cake...not terrible...and) bought a new memory card for my camera. Then professor Smith took us on the subway...
To taste the best tea I ever hope to have in my lifetime: Bao Chang Cha. And the best Oolong tea in the world. And spent far too much on some for myself. It's my vice.